External Fundraising for Make-A-Wish

External Fundraising for Make-A-Wish

Terms & Conditions

1. Fundraiser agrees to provide Make-A-Wish Ireland with all net proceeds from the event no more than 30 days after the event.
2. Any anticipated expenses exceeding 50% of the anticipated revenue need to be documented and agreed with Make-A-Wish Ireland prior to the event.
3. Make-A-Wish Ireland is a licensed affiliate of Make-A-Wish Foundation® International, and owner of the registered logo. The logo is not to be used without prior approval from the charity, cannot be altered in any way, and is limited to the Republic of Ireland.
4. Any documentation incorporating the logo must be proof read by Make-A-Wish prior to distribution or publication.
5. The term of the permission granted shall be from the date Make-A-Wish approves the Fundraiser’s proposal until the conclusion of the event, provided that Make-A-Wish has the right to revoke permission if it determines, in its reasonable discretion that the event is or will likely be injurious to the brand.
6. In accordance with the Guidelines for Charitable Organisations on Fundraising from the Public*. The Fundraiser must specify the following on this form, prior to the solicitation of funds:

  • That Make-A-Wish Ireland is the benefiting organisation
  • The actual or anticipated portion of the proceeds that will benefit Make-A-Wish Ireland
  • The duration of the campaign

7. In order to avoid inadvertently jeopardising existing relationships between Make-A-Wish and its corporate supporters, the Fundraiser agrees to receive prior approval from Make-A-Wish before soliciting corporations, businesses, celebrities, sports teams or individuals that are listed on our website, for cash or in-kind donations relating to the event.
8. Fundraiser agrees to:

  • Complying with all applicable laws during the planning, promotion and conduct of the event
  • All required insurance licenses and permits will be obtained by Fundraiser and will be in force until the conclusion of the event
  • The Event will result in no cost or expense to Make-A-Wish Ireland whatsoever.
  • Indemnify and hold Make-A-Wish Ireland harmless from any claims of any kind or nature whatsoever arising out of or in any way related to the event.

9. Fundraiser may not open a bank account in Make-A-Wish Ireland’s name, nor may it endorse or attempt to negotiate any cheques made payable to Make-A-Wish Ireland, all of which must be promptly forwarded to Make-A-Wish Ireland for processing.
10. Please note that we don’t allow our supporters to knock door-to-door.
11. Make-A-Wish Ireland accepts no responsibility whatsoever for any loss, injury or claim arising from this event and adequate insurances should be arranged by the organisers to provide cover for any claims that may arise.
12. All buckets used in collections MUST be sealed at all times, in accordance with the Guidelines for Charitable Organisations on Fundraising from the Public*.
13. Celebrity Ambassadors: Make-A-Wish Ambassadors have very kindly offered their time to specific scheduled annual events organised by Make-A-Wish and for the purposes of granting wishes throughout the year and are unable to be approached for any other events other than those listed. We thank you in advance for your understanding.

*Make-A-Wish Ireland is fully committed to achieving the standards contained within the Guidelines for Charitable Organisations on Fundraising from the Public.


  • Endeavour to sell any tickets prior to an event to reduce the need for cash collection on the day of an event.
  • Make pricing of tickets or goods for sale sensible (for example, 50 cent, €1, €10, €100 etc) in order to minimise cash handling. All tickets for sale are pre-numbered and sales and takings reconciled.
  • Nominate one individual with overall responsibility for overseeing cash handling.
  • Consider ways in which cash can be held securely, for example, through the use of money belts.

At the Event

  • Issue round quantities of tickets or programmes with sellers signing for the quantity received.
  • Unsold tickets or programmes are returned and reconciled with the record of cash received from each seller.
  • Discrepancies should be investigated without delay.
  • To avoid sellers accumulating significant amounts of cash, pre-designated collectors should collect cash. Alternatively, secure cash-receiving locations should be available to sellers.
  • Collections are recorded on a summary with a signature from the sellers signifying the amount of cash collected. In certain circumstances it may not be practical for cash to be counted at interim stages during the course of an event, however, a record that a collection has been made should be evidenced by signatures from both collectors and sellers.
  • All final amounts including floats are collected and recorded from all locations at the end of an event.

Data Protection

Personal Information
In order to respond to your enquiries or manage future interactions it may be necessary to ask for personal information such as your name, address, email address and phone number. We may use this information to respond to your requests or to contact you by post, email or phone to inform you of new products, services or promotions that we offer.

If you request a service or submit content to our website we may need to contact you for additional information required to process or fulfil your request. However, unless compelled by applicable legislation, we will not provide this information to a third party without your permission, except as necessary to process your enquiry or fulfil your requests. This website may use technology that lets us collect certain technical information like your IP address, operating system, your browser type, traffic patterns and the address of any referring websites.

Please note that, although no system of technology is completely infallible, Make-A-Wish Ireland has endeavoured to take appropriate measures to prevent risks of unauthorised access to or improper use of your personal information.

Accuracy of Collected Data
Make-A-Wish Ireland will, on its own initiative or at your request, update or erase any erroneous or outdated personal data retained by us.